Açıklama: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/vAqz7T19wZIbqOB-O4OUfljWaF_ejY1C9tCkQ_qiFU2uVqZ6ecWUL143o1_AGLZf2j1HvlIPZtpp94DJn03jBSHTpFzj7ZdTFOUaNrmFRv3P1mNtMiIM9Y792KOwMmcrrUKIdZnSsBbVLsADXw

The Greater Middle East Health and Education Foundation, BOSEV (Great Middle East Health and Education Foundation, GMEHEF), provides Health, Education and Economic Services to the community.
BOSEV, rural population and low income population.

BOSEV provides free personal development courses in all of Ankara, which provides training in all health and hygiene subjects. Meanwhile, professionals from the health sector are joining BOSEV to raise awareness of the health community.

BOSEV has free R & D studies to modernize the equipment of all kinds of tools and equipment of modern medicine and / or adjust the field of education and provide benefits to society for the victims of all kinds of health services.

There were 5 volunteer staff working on the board of the foundation, 50 employees working in healthcare centers, institutions, hospitals, medical centers, central companies, and training employees.

Ankara / Turkey around the center we have a wide network of health services in the 400-seat hotel:

www.ortadoguhastaneleri.com.t is

Medical Center
I www.ortadoguasgtip.co

Media security has several periodical medical publications.
www.dntortadoguyayincilik.com with periodical medical publications

Herbal treatment center, Dermatology clinics, treatment equipment company and one more, a hospital.

It aimed to continue its success in Europeans. It is an easier way to be together in a European-based project. In this concept, the foundation and member staff working for the health sector institutions, whose approval is basically shared, are preparing for approaching, as always, as if all this is about health promotion.

Büyük Ortadoğu Medical Press Company DNT Ortadoğu Publishing shares all the advantages of the project with the centers in the sector and makes the target groups with periodical publications as usual.

Big Middle East group companies such as medical centers, clinics, hospitals and all personnel, Big Middle East Health and Education Foundation, BOSEV's goal is as in all ongoing activities, as always has all the project area and gains. Organization, GMEHEF)

In general, 5 professionals and a total of 10 professionals working in our outpatient clinics are responsible for the solution-oriented analysis of this project, possibly for generating significant outputs. A historical element that goes all over Ankara. Having a wide audience, BOSEV is another opportunity that makes it possible to reach a large number of target audience members who read, use and apply the outputs.

The Great Middle East Health and Education Foundation, BOSEV (Grand Middle East Health and Education Foundation, GMEHEF) brings all previous experiences to Europe and is done in the best way and by the time collected by the consortium members.





Açıklama: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/whw88bq6IfqoUCqD9XhkUWiDfkaA9LyTY4DvOYihXi12oDDpkhetmE4YHQNyGzJTsxbMtvdwguaCe2y5dDTYLgpYcZfh0YN7g6hddai9IO1l_ZvC3kxks6Am_r_IG2ScxZTGRSfVbARxcjbKVg

CPIP-COMUNITATEA PENTRU INVATAREA PERMANENTA is a Romanian NGO working in the field of lifelong learning since 2010. CPIP is a private institution active in education, agriculture and social fields. The organization aims to support a lifelong learning culture through active participation of all community members in developing a coherent strategy to implement the concept and practice of öğrenme learning in the community..

CPIP aims to direct all its activities towards creating a viable alternative to developing a learning community. The CPIP team is experienced in delivering and maintaining highly effective training sessions, creating the most advanced teaching materials, identifying the needs of target groups and filling the gap. CPIP also has expertise in coordinating conferences, seminars, multiplier events, short-term or long-term training / training sessions, meetings and European projects. CPIP uses the cultural, educational, economic and social growth of communities as its main objective.

To support the above, the CPIP organization has the following objectives:
- To increase the awareness and participation of the educational institution in community life and to establish connections with all social actors;
- Experience in providing training in the agricultural sector;
- provide a suitable environment for the educational and social development of all community members;
- Development of social and educational research;
- Cultural promotion and lifelong learning practice;
- Initiation, development and support of training campaigns;
- Organizing courses, training seminars, expert workshops and other events with the active participation of national and international institutions and experts;
- To promote the culture and practice of lifelong learning;
- Supporting lifelong learning by developing national and international activities.



Açıklama: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/TDYhK1wtKW5-sRmLVUVg0Tn_EFRdqw7sn1ITC2hTxlRP9Gdlrr9LBDzG6azHdcG2WGwm29TgrDlBaESm1mj1KqXlsEnvNGXUle12uR4H00jxJX73xF9AogfjINmz6bzJZyW2OPRIRtoOrZcPxQ

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMU) was founded in 1992, with its new status and intake from Turkey's large youth population, the university developed quickly in terms of the number of students, staff and facilities, spurring the opening of new faculties and colleges. The university has over 45,000 students participating in a wide variety of programs taught by 1600 academic staff in 10 faculties, 2 polytechnic colleges and 11 vocational colleges. The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of COMU is committed to excellence in graduate post-graduate education and research, scholarly and professional activities, and service to the agriculture industry at the state, regional, national and global levels. The faculty staff, and students have  been engaged in the discovery and transfer of knowledge through research, and be prepared to anticipate and effectively respond to changes and challenges in agriculture and higher education by partnering with agriculture stakeholders. Medical University is supporting Project team to produce best content. COMU is the partner in charge of dissemination in this project, due to an extensive experience of promoting European project in its widespread network, using state-of-the-art tools. The team of professionals selected to work for the HEALTHY project will ensure its achievement of success, due to their expertise in relation with the areas covered by the topics of the project.




Açıklama: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/uCXLg__zEj1tLaGfjU-8Vj21pIW1NDp7AfVtghuNtHllkTj1968-vZ2JYYB3Q0bxNUEHWRI0MrB88QVpqxyorFBbWUuClsjcliAY8sqc6JVdCb995gVIpZYReML3M6PKGG3ae8IvH6-TJ9DUqA

ISTUD Foundation is an independent school that operates in Europe in the field of executive education, advanced lifelong learning and in the field of management research. ISTUD was founded in 1970 through the initiative of Assolombarda (the most important industrial association in Italy) and a group of Italian and multinational companies. From 2005 ISTUD has become a private non profit foundation that, as independent advanced centre of management research and training, acts as a ‘bridge’ between theory and practice, between academy and the world of professions. Its mission is to consolidate and spread a management culture based on corporate social responsibility, multiculturalism, professional upright and value production.
At the base of the various initiatives that ISTUD develops there is a constant research and innovation, with the development of a knowledge oriented and updated to the most important questions that arise to the attention of businesses, organizations, managers and entrepreneurs. Since 2008 ISTUD carries out a Permanent Research Programme "Young People and Work" to understand the characteristics, expectations and values that drive the behaviour and the professional choices of young people approaching the job market for the first time. ISTUD is member of EFMD and ABIS Academy of Business in Society, it agrees to the Principles for Responsible Management Education-PRME UN Global Compact, and it has managed several international projects funded by EU and other relevant international donors (World Bank, IFC, ETF).

ISTUD Foundation has a long experience on desk and field studies both using quantitative and qualitative methodologies, identify and disseminate case studies and best practices based on the development of an international comparative research activity (in Italy and in collaboration with the project partners in the others involved countries) to study and analyse the project.

ISTUD Foundation is participating and supporting all project phases and is actively participating to the project activities and coordination meetings and to carry on relevant exploitation and dissemination activities both at local, national and international level. ISTUD has a wide experience in developing training programs in various areas of activity, and it is a supporter of healthy lifestyles.

The Health and Wellbeing Area of ISTUD Foundation plans and realizes research activities for management of diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative paths in care processes. Furthermore, it is an education centre provider for the Continuing Medical Education and a MIUR (Ministry of Education, University, and Research) licensed research centre, dealing with the improvement of care through developing single professionals, care teams, and organizations.

The Health and Wellbeing Area is committed to comprehend organizational dynamics in Public and Private Health in order to develop a management attentive to sustainability and able to connect real needs and values of patients, professionals, and healthcare managements.

Via Pietro Giannone 9, Milano


Açıklama: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/zttt0g9uVPoJmqmigSKUuQZ_Rx_XrvHoOTJzvmdgklzmRL_uNpGLPqxiscmGi-F7aR0jK_haARHIwcOn1jA1R-QnxO9Yn5lY3ta_ENfWxHFdHqfQYew1Wi1aF08sKiL35POsdGoHhDiCNveydg

Association BULGARIA TRAINING is a not-profit organization founded in 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Organization is working with European partners in several fields. BG Training is working as hosting and intermediary organization with EU Mobility programs for students coming  from EU countries in Bulgaria ans also working with Bulgarian Municipalities, Universities,  High schools and NGO.  It was possible to be included in projects for Transfer of Innovation, Regional development, Exchange of good practices and intercultural exchanges.

Bulgaria Training organize seminars, courses and vocational trainings for various target groups.

In the period 2007-2014, organised numerous official visits, trainings and workshops for Bulgarian Mayors, representatives of public administration and local agents from rural areas. The main  objective of these activities realized by Bulgaria Training is to make an useful and successful exchange of experience sharing the best practices in EU.

BG Training is a flexible company with services adjusted to the demands of our partners and clients.  Bulgaria Training organize different kinds of events (conferences, professional visits, festivals and international meetings) and is an efficient partner in European international projects in several fields and EU programs.
For the period 2006 - 2017 "BULGARIA TRAINING" has organized over 300 workshops, professional visits, seminars, language courses and a series of cultural exchanges with the program "Youth in Action" Leonardo and Erasmus. More than 500 foreign trainees  received  by our organization found their professional internship in Bulgarian companies with European training programs.

For the trainees, organize  transfers, language courses, accommodation during the internship, cultural visits  and help their integration in foreign language environments and do a daily monitoring of all activities of our trainees and assist for their successful  integration.



DEFOIN Formacion para el Desarrollo y la Inserción

Açıklama: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/BUAOm7sKf4uVI9LfUockV8ycqiGakcqxczUSPYUq4HwZOjyqj_dyJGML7FP6Yie0qxN7hCdSzT6ZD-EtOe3iC49pz_8yIyURZWJ0ZlQYG3kQHqHG9JlSNhAX4jFkQErTZZlvoXHOU99IXlUZDQ

Career Development and Integration (DEFOIN) was born in 2009 with the idea of promoting the Training for Employment and Insertion of employed and unemployed workers, at a time when the economic crisis and the skill requirements of workers It was a crucial task.

DEFOIN has extensive experience in the comprehensive management of training plans, as well as specific solutions tailored to the need of design, management and delivery of continuing and occupational training for businesses and employed and unemployed.

Through its team of highly qualified professionals who analyze, design and develop each project with the best guarantees of success.

Training plans DEFOIN managed at all times seeks to enhance the skills of students, improvement and integration into the labor market, expand and update their knowledge. All with the ultimate goal of improving the productivity of workers and organizations, increasing profitability and improving the quality of services of both.
DEFOIN managed plans offer training aimed at both employed and unemployed, as well as training demand by the company.

Given the increasing importance of accreditation of skills acquired through training provision linked to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, DEFOIN, through its RED CENTERS PARTNERSHIP manages and provides training leading to the award of Certificates of Professionalism in branches of Administration and Management (ADG), Trade and Marketing (COM), Computers and Communications (IFC) Hospitality and Tourism (HOT), Health (SAN) and Socio Cultural Services (SSC), Personal Image (IMP).

DEFOIN teaches, manages and executes projects justification occupational training specifically aimed at all those who wish to enter an occupation or promoted in a job.
Centers have registered and / or accredited in Andalucía, Castilla la Mancha and Madrid for the provision of vocational training for employment. Similarly, we have centers pending approval pending in Murcia.

DEFOIN also has a network of over 180 collaborating centers scattered around the country and accredited to conduct leading to the award of certificates of professionalism in training different professional families.

Aware of the importance of Professional Certificates based on allowing students to have an accredited professional skills, acquired through training, to develop a work activity with significance for employment and to provide content solutions to this situation DEFOIN since we are working on the development of digital content based Professional Certificates.

The training sector is constantly changing, so DEFOIN has a Department of I + D + I where more and more advanced content are made. We have one of the platforms most advanced e-learning market, with a high level of control of content and level of customization.

DEFOIN has been authorized as Employment Agency to provide workers / as a labor intermediation and users in finding and achieving suitable employment to the properties and provide employers the most appropriate to their needs and requirements in terms of working people their professional skills and qualification levels.
